1. Job Market in Canada :
The job market in Canada is diverse with plentiful seasonal jobs in the tourism and hospitality sectors and permanent/full time jobs which can be searched and applied through various options
Major industries in Canada include manufacturing,service industries and natural resources and their current openings can be searched through various networking portals like :
1 Canadajobs.com
2 Jobs – Canada
3 Monster – Canada
4 Workopolis
The openings are also advertised online or in newspapers.
Your work experience in Canada is defined as per the National Occupational Classification (NOC) which has skill levels classified as NOC skill level 0 which is managerial jobs , NOC skill level A which is professional jobs and NOC skill level B which is technical jobs and skilled trades. On landing to Canada you can avail various job opportunities which are further classified according to the minimum wages apart from the NOC Classification. To avail more information on NOC levels, please refer http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/noc.asp
To know more on the minimal wages structure please visit : http://srv116.services.gc.ca/dimt-wid/sm-mw/rpt2.aspx
You can also get into an internship with any organization and than get permanent job with the same company by securing the relevant work permit and visa incase its difficult to get a full time job directly. The websites that would be helpful to you in searching for an internship program are AISEC and BUNAC’S WOK CANADA.
Teaching Profession in Canada is also quite prevalent for those who have a proficiency in English and have some practical teaching experience.
Working conditions in Canada are quite flexible with 8 hours of working or maximum 48 hours in a week. After completing one year of employment you are may be entitled for a 2 weeks annual leave and 9 paid general holidays.
2. Pre Arrival Orientation :
Canada Orientation Abroad is an pre arrival orientation initiative by the Canadian Government for immigrants ready to Migrate to Canada. The orientation is offered to Refugees,economic migrants and family class immigrants including spouse and dependents also.
The aim of the orientation is to answer any questions of the immigrants about living and working in Canada. They provide all the necessary and accurate information about Canada which would be helpful to the migrants to settle in Canada specially in the first six months.
It helps the migrants to build realistic expectations and cope up with the initial challenges they face in a new place.
3. Communities in Canada – Help after reaching Canada :
Communities in Canada provide free services to immigrants to help them finding a job, finding a place to live and filling out forms and applications, conduct free language training classes etc.
Communities in Canada also conduct free programs/seminars like health workshops, educational workshops, inter culture group workshops where participants speaking different languages like Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu, English come together for topical discussions performing group activities.
There are settlement counsellors who meet immigrants on one to one basis and try to provide all information regarding settlement in Canada like housing,health, welfare & benefits, taxation, recreation etc. You can arrange an appointment with them and get all the required information.
4. Getting your Family to Canada :
On becoming a Permanent Resident in Canada you can call your spouse to Canada to stay with you under the immigration program. There are sponsorship programs too under which you can apply for spouse visa by sponsoring them.
Sponsorship can be inland or outland depending on whether the spouse is staying in Canada on a temporary status or the spouse is staying out of Canada. In order to get the visa through the immigration program the spnsorer and the sponsored need to prove their relationship under the 3 categories which are spouse, common law partner or conjugal partner.
You can also call your siblings under the temporary resident visa which allows them to stay in Canada for around 6 months.
Permanent Residents and Canadian Citizens can also call their parents and grandparents under the Super Visa Program which allows them to stay for a period of 24 months without any renewals. Super Visa is valid for 10 years and you can call them immediately. While their stay in Canada for 2 years you can apply for your parents and grand parents immigration and get them a permanent resident status.
In case you are yet waiting for your PR status or in case where your employment term is less than one year you cannot apply for Super Visa to call your parents or grandparents to stay with you. In such conditions you can still call your parents/grandparents under temporary visitor visa (TRV) where in they can stay with you for around 6 months and while their stay can apply for Super Visa.
Children can also be called under the dependent program which is a part of the immigration program in Canada. Dependent Child is one who is below 22 years of age and is neither married nor in a common law relationship. Those children who are 22 years of age or above but not able to support themselves because of suffering from any mental or physical condition are also considered under the dependent programs.
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