Canada offers citizenship through naturalization and by birth in Canada. With the new amendments introduced on October 11, 2017 in the citizenship norms as per Bill C-6 the physical presence requirements in Canada to acquire Citizenship is for 3 out of 5 years with no minimum number of days per year which earlier was 4 out of 6 years with minimum of 183 days in each of the 4 years.
Also to the applicants delight as per the new amendment the portion of the time spent on a legal status in Canada before acquiring permanent resident status will be counted towards the residency requirements. The applicant may count each day that they were present in Canada as half day towards meeting the physical presence requirements for citizenship up to a maximum credit of 365 days. The age range has also been revised to 18-54 for knowledge and language requirements.
The PR status of those applying for citizenship should not be in question or should not have unfulfilled conditions. The income tax filing obligations have been revised for 3 out of 5 years which previously was for 4 out of 6 years. Earlier the applicants were supposed to declare the intent to reside in Canada if granted Citizenship which now as per the new amendment is not required.
Minors can qualify on their own for Citizenship without a Canadian Parent. Citizenship revocation provisions are repealed for dual citizens only under the New Bill C-6 Amendment.
Benefits of Citizenship :
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